Albert Einstein

If at first, the idea is not absurd; then, there is no future for it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Multiplexes, breaking rules !!!

I hope most of us have visited a multiplex one time or the other. At least, I do, every weekend. Recently I went to watch an action movie with an "A" rating. To my surprise, I watched the movie, with a 10 year old kid, sitting next to me. Now "A" certification is given to a movie, if the movie contains stuff not suitable for viewing for kids and anyone below 18 years of age, as per rules in India. A movie having lot of blood shed, is also issued an "A" certificate. Here's my question - How many multiplexes actually follow  this rule of not admitting any person below 18 years of age, to a movie screening, with an A certificate? I thought that at least multiplexes, would be rigorously following all rules and regulations. A gross violation of rules, by most of the multiplexes, at least in Hyderabad. Seems like multiplexes have no respect for the Censor Board !!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes that is true it is all about money.
    It is a well known rule of nature "Every one is allowed to do crime, But he has to pay for it in return." And we Indians litraly believe it. the only difference is that we pay in cash for everything.
